We join millions of others in sharing one common goal, and that is to enrich people’s lives in any way possible.

As we have been inspired, we hope our mission will inspire others to bring about the required action to create “A Better Tomorrow”.

Using the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals as a framework, we will be supporting projects that align with the broad goals such as No Poverty (SDG1), Zero Hunger (SDG2), Good Health and Well Being (SDG3), and Quality Education (SDG4).

Our goal for a better tomorrow will address poverty alleviation, promoting zero hunger, accessibility to quality education and informative healthcare for women as we support for gender equality.

The gift of a better tomorrow provides HOPE. With hope, we can look towards a brighter future.




From a philanthropy perspective, my parents embedded in me and my siblings the value and reward of giving back. For as long as I can remember, I have always felt a longing to help people; to create a positive impact in anyway possible.

I was inspired to start AZŌNETĀ as I recognized the devastating impact of COVID-19 in my home country. As much I frequently donated to charitable organizations in the past, I felt the need to create a big impact.

This is why I started this organization. It is my desire that AZŌNETĀ will inspire others in addressing the global challenges that are before us today.

With empathy, will and a team that share common goals, I believe in my heart that I have created a sustainable organization that can make a difference in people’s lives.



I am a teacher as well as the Chief Operating Officer for AZŌNETĀ, a title I wear with pride. My dedication to the work we do here at AZŌNETĀ is an amalgamation of different facets of my life

First and foremost, I love being a teacher, but it is not an easy job and I have an endless number of resources at my disposal. So, I can understand the struggles that educators in Africa must face themselves.

Lack of proper training, inadequate resources, and minimal funding must make teaching children in African countries that much more challenging, so I wanted to help.

Secondly, I will refer to this quote: “There comes a point in everyone’s life where it is more important about what you can give then what you can get” My journey to finding AZŌNETĀ is born from the understanding that this quote embodies. When you reach a certain age in your life you begin to wonder what you’ll be remembered for, the differences you made in this world and lives you touched. I needed to start giving back to those less fortunate than myself. The more work we do, seeing the difference we are making motivates me beyond words, so here I am, part of Team AZŌNETĀ and trying my hardest to “Build A Better Tomorrow”.


Fondem tebugeh

VOLUNTEER - cameroon

I am called Fondem Julius Tebugeh from Cameroon. I am the president & CEO of a CSO called the Child/Women Welfare Foundation (CWWF).

I stumbled on the AZŌNETĀ website in 2023 and saw the charitable works that AZŌNETĀ is doing across communities is Africa and wanted to volunteer with them.

I am a humanitarian and volunteering to serve humanity is my passion, I enjoy serving the less privileges and the vulnerable. I see AZŌNETĀ as a perfect organization to volunteer for because of their good works.



I was born and raised in Juaso in the Ashanti Region of Ghana. I’m currently teacher who is completing my national service.

I love to volunteer because I have great passion for humanity, and I love to see everyone happy especially children. I always want to help people who are in need.

Volunteering at AZŌNETĀ has been a great experience because it has given me the opportunity to give the hope and love I always wanted to give to the less privileged in my community and country at large. I feel that I’m fully making true impacts on humanity.


kennedy otieno


I’m Kennedy Otieno from Nairobi, Kenya, a passionate child rights activist and humanitarian. Since 2018, I’ve dedicated myself to enhancing the lives of the less privileged through programs like menstrual health management, early literacy, leadership, reproductive health education, and general charity.

Discovering AZŌNETĀ was thrilling, as their focus on poverty alleviation and human-centered sustainable development aligns perfectly with the Universal Call for Action (SDGs). AZŌNETĀ ‘s vision and programs seamlessly resonate with the global goals set by the United Nations.

Volunteering with them is fulfilling, witnessing lives transformed, dignities restored, and smiles created. AZŌNETĀ ‘s reach across sub-Saharan Africa, including Nigeria, Ghana, Sierra Leone, Uganda, and Kenya, fosters cultural exchange and enriches social aspects of life.

emmanuel adediji


I’m a SDGs enthusiast, Peace Advocate, Human Rights Activist, Humanitarian, and Serial Volunteer. Volunteering with AZŌNETĀ stems from my belief in collective action for positive global change. Witnessing society’s pressing social and environmental issues, I felt a deep responsibility to contribute my time and skills.

AZŌNETĀ’s mission aligns closely with my beliefs, dedicating themselves to improving the lives of marginalized communities, protecting the environment, and advocating for important causes. Volunteering allows me to work alongside like-minded individuals committed to creating a more equitable and sustainable world.


Moreover, volunteering offers a unique chance for personal growth and learning. Actively participating in initiatives enables me to expand my skill set, gain valuable experiences, and deepen my understanding of global challenges.

DAUda adeyoola


As a public school teacher, I volunteer with AZŌNETĀ to address the digital divide hindering education globally. Through the Digital Bridge initiative, I provide my students with access to computers, the Internet, and digital resources.

Additionally, I train fellow teachers to create engaging lessons using these tools. My passion for leveraging technology to enhance education aligns with AZŌNETĀ’s mission. I’m excited about the potential impact on children in my school, I appreciate the opportunity to contribute to an organization making a positive difference worldwide

sunday akinrelere


As a certified educator, published author, and leadership development coach, my exceptional mentoring abilities shine, particularly when working with youth and teenagers.

My unwavering commitment lies in nurturing and developing young leaders for global relevance and impact, with the aim of creating a better tomorrow for the next generation through the SALEMi Leadership School.

This commitment has also motivated me to volunteer with AZŌNETĀ, an organization whose mission aligns with mine, focusing on making a positive impact on people’s lives in every way possible. I consistently strive to make a positive difference by advancing quality education for children in underserved communities.

Daniel AWO-Osagie


My Teach for Nigeria journey was a transformative experience that fueled my passion for education and community impact. Through my time as a fellow, I witnessed firsthand the power of education in shaping young minds and uplifting underserved communities. This experience not only ignited my commitment to making a difference but also honed my skills in leadership, communication, and problem-solving.

As I reflect on my journey, I find that my Teach for Nigeria experience serves as a significant reason for my decision to volunteer for AZŌNETĀ. The values I imbibed during my fellowship align seamlessly with AZŌNETĀ ‘s mission to empower local communities through various educational initiatives.

Volunteering with AZŌNETĀ allows me to continue the impactful work I started during my fellowship. It is a platform where I can channel my passion for education, gender equality, as well as contribute to meaningful projects, and work with like-minded individuals who share the vision of making a positive change.

I strongly believe that AZŌNETĀ provides an avenue to create lasting change in the lives of many, and I’m excited to be a part of that journey.

Nuhu Maikano


I am Nuhu Maikano, a graduate of Biological Sciences, Kaduna State University Kaduna (KASU) NIGERIA.

I am a dedicated, resourceful, and goal-driven professional educator/change maker raising critical thinking young leaders with growth mindset in underserved communities with a solid commitment to the social and academic growth and development of every child.

I am a passionate and dedicated educator empowering youth, enriching the education and research fraternity, and making a positive impact on society. I am committed to fostering a love for learning, inspiring critical thinking, and nurturing the holistic development of learners and a conducive environment for learning.

OluWatobi sonde


I am a gifted, talented and professional teacher who sees teaching not only as a profession but also as a calling to lead and influence lives. I’m a graduate of the Federal College of Education, Abeokuta, Ogun State and the University of Ibadan, Oyo State with an NCE in Mathematics/Computer and BSc (Hons) in Mathematics respectively.

I’ve taught in private schools in Ibadan, Oyo State and then Abuja until I had a paradigm shift about the inequities in the Nigerian education system which, consequently, made me join the Teach for Nigeria Fellowship program in 2020.

I am presently a 2020 Teach for Nigeria (TFN) Alumnus and one of the AZŌNETĀ volunteers working to expand access to quality (digital) education for marginalised children in Ajegunle, Lagos State, Nigeria.

augustine macarthy

VOLUNTEER - sierra leone

I am an international development professional that has over seven years of experience in development and poverty reduction, with specialities in early childhood education, child protection, peace building and sustainable development for young people. 

I volunteer with AZŌNETĀ to contribute towards creating a reformed society, ensuring every child has equal access to education and a caring family. Additionally, I aim to identify and share best practices for empowering women, children, and teenage girls to maintain resilience while exercising their rights and voices on crucial security and developmental issues, thus enabling them to reach their full potentials.

Volunteering with AZŌNETĀ is a step towards achieving this vision for a more equitable and compassionate society.



Growing up, my mother valued education that’s why she sacrificed and dropped out to see her siblings through school. She started a small business where she made money and her 8 siblings were able to go through school and now, they are teachers, environmentalists, business men and doctors. She went ahead and brought children from each household of relatives in the village so that they could study in town and go back home to make it better and also develop the community.

Some are now settled with very good jobs while others are still in school. With this I came to realize that the best way to give back to the community is through education.

I became a support teacher in rural schools to help those who cannot make it to town schools and l am providing them with an inclusive holistic education that involves everyone and at the end of it they leave with skills that will help them through life. Through AZŌNETĀ, I will continue with this passion to make education attainable to all children in rural areas.

samuel eramye


I’m Samuel Eramye, a Ugandan residing in Kamuli, the poorest district in Uganda. A Development Studies graduate from Makerere University, I am a dedicated social worker and humanitarian striving to enhance the welfare of the underprivileged in Kamuli and Uganda.

My vision is to uplift these individuals towards meaningful lives. I chose to collaborate with AZŌNETĀ due to its commitment to fighting African poverty, and support for disadvantaged children’s education.

AZŌNETĀ ‘s tireless efforts align with my mission for social, spiritual, and mental upliftment. Volunteering with AZŌNETĀ allows me to pursue my goal to aid humanity.


Your support can make a world of difference.
Join AZŌNETĀ in our mission to create lasting positive change.