Faith Needy Children’s Home Initiative – Awutu Bewuanum, Ghana

This year, AZONETA embarked on a heartfelt mission to support the orphans of Faith Needy Children’s Home in Awutu Bewuanum, Ghana – a cause close to our hearts.

Previously, these children slept on bare concrete, with only a thin sheet separating them from the hard ground. Recognizing the crucial role a good night’s sleep plays in overall well-being, AZONETA committed to ensuring these children received the comfort and security of proper beds.

Over eight months, Team AZONETA sprung into action, rallying support, raising funds, sourcing mattresses, and enlisting skilled carpenters to craft sturdy bed frames. Excitedly, we announce that we have exceeded our goal ahead of schedule!

Display of the bed frames
Bed Frames being offlaoded from a truck fior the Faith Needy Children's Home initiative

Witnessing the pure joy and gratitude radiating from the children as they beheld their new sleeping arrangements was truly heartwarming – a testament to the impact of our collective efforts.

A display of the newly supplied bed frames
A young boy smiling while laying on the new supplied bed frames and mattresses.

AZONETA extends profound gratitude to all our generous donors, with special recognition to the employees of BELL Canada and Luna Ink, whose contributions helped realize this endeavour.

Children laying down on the newly supplied bed frames and mattresses at the Faith Needy Children's Home.

We also sincerely thank our invaluable volunteer in Ghana, Francis Adu Afari, whose dedication ensured the smooth execution of the Faith Needy Children’s Home initiative. Additionally, we commend the tireless efforts of Kelsie Francis, whose strategic social media campaigns amplified awareness and support for our cause. You’ve helped AZONETA create a brighter future for these deserving children.

Thank you for joining us in our mission to make a meaningful difference in the lives of those in need.

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Eric Osuorah

Eric Osuorah is a social entrepreneur and the Director at AZONETA Corp., a Canadian charity.

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